Johnny Depp on the Jimmy Kimmel Show wearing T.U.K. Creepers
Johnny Depp, the man himself, was seen in Beijing sporting his quirky style, which included an awesome pair of A8366 T.U.K. Mondo Hi Black Suede Creepers whilst promoting Transcendence, his latest film in which he plays a Dr struck on artificial intelligence and uploads his conscious into a programme and it all takes off from there..
Johnny Depp took center stage in his creepers to play the guitar for 1000 invited guests, whilst on tour promoting in Beijing. Depp was joined on stage by Taiwanese R&B/hard rock artist David Tao, a big local star.
When he's not jabbering on about artificial intelligence, he guest starred on the Jimmy Kimmel Show in April of this year again, in the same pair of black suede creepers - He look great!
You can check out the full video here, it's worth a watch: